Saturday, October 01, 2005

How do Chase University and other Prior Learning Online Universities compare?

The purpose of this post is pretty simply. How do Chase University and other Prior Learning Online Universities compare to each other?


Morley said...

Sorry, I have so much comments but I have been following this general area on the forums.

How would Chase Compare? Here is the areas to question.

1. How does Chase prepare transcipts? Most mills just take a standard transcript and hand to you. No reflection of exact knowledge each subject

2. How challenging is the process to get a degree? In my opinion, degree should be a learning experience, meaning that you should be challenge to document your knowledge in detail and prove it.

Chase could compare is dependent on how these questions are answered

Anonymous said...

What does that mean? I for one would like to hear from someone who has received a degree from Chase University and I would like to know what they thing about Chase because of that experience. Is there anyone out there who can answer these questions?

Morley said...


It all depends on if you can get the degree in the first place.

My opinion is that if you have very good background and some training it would help with the acceptance of the degree.

For example, Chase is not listed on any of the degree mill list out there so thats a plus.

Next important is to be honest how you got the degree.

All those covered you should be fine.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that also. I haven't been able to find them listed on any of the lists of diploma mills out there and I think that is probably a good sign.

Morley said...

As I said, I think these degrees are more for people with unqeustionable background to get recognized. If you are borderline then it becomes more difficult to sell.

Morley said...

Which schools are direct competition or class as Chase?

I would be curious on that.

The other question.

Whats the legal limitation of these degrees? Could someone use for say immigration?

Anonymous said...

I think what this other person is asking is how does Chase University compare to other online prior learning universities like Almeda and Trinity. I have a degree from Chase and I'll give my two cents. I think Chase is far superior to the other schools of it's kind, simply because of the quality of service they provide. The others will take your money and then you will never hear from them again. With Chase, they will provide you with support even after you have received your degree from them and they have nothing further to gain from you monetarily. The fact that this blog exists is a good example of what I'm talking about.

Morley said...

Definitely better than Almeda, belford and trinity for sure.

My focus is how do we make university like Chase get the respect of a regular school? Then I guess comparison along that line

Could we compare with TESC ( or and why not?

Morley said...

If you look on from the outside, it will seem not to be much difference. Except that Chase list the name of their president with a letter, which to me is good.

Some of the others do list a guideline of whats required to qualify for specific degrees.

Maybe Chase should give some pointers on what is required to earn a degree. For example seem to claim 3 years experience for 1 year of university studies etc.. How much credit hours for number of training/seminar hours etc.

Morley said...

This is very quiet. My general question is why should someone choose Chase over others?

Anonymous said...

Seems this blog is dead. No activities or comments

Anonymous said...

You are not going to get very far without recognized accreditation. The accreditation listed by Chase is not recognized by anyone.

The issue is that for someone to trust you, their needs to be verification from a reliable source. Only USDOE recognized accreditation can be called such in the US. While you can use the term, its meaningless by itself

Anonymous said...

Well, I just received my degree today in the mail from Chase University and it looks great! I can't wait to show it to my boss who paid for me to get my M.B.A. through Chase. The next step is getting the promotion and raise that he promised me after I received my M.B.A.! Thanks to all the folks at Chase!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer:

If you are genuinely qualified for MBA by your background, that should be fine.

My main concern is wether all companies would accept a Chase University degree automatically. When a university is fully accredited that is no longer an issue.

Whats the legal status of Chase University? Is it state approved?

Anonymous said...

in respect to comparison, could we say the Chase is compared to Almeda, Belford and the likes?

Almeda claim to have contracted specialist to evaluate applicants, does Chase have this approach?

omne said...

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile...just laziness on my part. In response to the last post though, I did want to let anyone who is paying attention know that Chase DOES indeed have a panel of specialists who are all Ph.D.'s or M.D.'s who rigorously review each and every application. This is what separates us from the infamous "diploma mills". We do strive to maintain a strict protocol when it comes to our standards of admissions, even though we do award degree's based on life experience, previous college credits and work related training. I hope this has helped to clear things up somewhat. Also, to the person who said that this blog is pretty dead...that's my I said, just laziness on my part...I work about 16 to 18 hours a day here and it is sometimes hard to muster the energy to post here...I will try to do better though and I'll ride my female compatriate to do the same...even though she works as many hours as I do. Keep posting though people...this blog is not just for's primarily for you guys. Later.

Anonymous said...

I think the major difference between Chase University and other online universities is this: THEY ACTUALLY GRANTED ME A DEGREE THAT GOT ME A JOB! I hate to admit it, but I've sent money to a FEW other so-called online college's, and NONE of them sent me a degree that was worth a crap, not to mention one that looked like a real degree like the one that Chase sent me! Soooooo, in my book, that's what really counts! Ooohrahh Chase University! Thanks, J.W.